On Western Christian Evangelism to non-Western Cultures

The image above is that of a large African polygamist family. In the past several decades to centuries, missionaries from the western churches following the Latin or Protestant traditions encounter many such families. Because mandatory monogamy has been established for over a thousand years in Europe and countries populated by those of European ancestry, missionariesContinue reading On Western Christian Evangelism to non-Western Cultures

Synagogue and Church – Part Two

Introduction In the first part of this study (see Synagogue and Church, Part 1: The Historical and Legal Background of Matthew 23:1-12), we presented an argument that Yeshua used His royal authority to change the assignment of responsibility from the Sadducees who ran the Temple to the Pharisees and scribes, and appointed the apostles toContinue reading Synagogue and Church – Part Two

Synagogue and Church – Part One

The Historical and Legal Background of Matthew 23:1-12 In today’s turbulent times, the church and synagogue look at each other warily. There have been some welcomed movement towards each other, but due to centuries-old animosity, the two have not become the best of friends. One reason for this, out of many, is the different theologicalContinue reading Synagogue and Church – Part One

Pornography Reduces Humans to Fractional Parts

In the Torah, to establish a matter requires the testimony of two or three witnesses (Deuteronomy 17:6, 19:15) and affirmed in the New Testament (Matthew 18:16; II Corinthians 13:1). The matter at hand is how pornography reduces human beings to just their sexual emotions and body parts. Years ago, Roman Catholic Cardinal Wojtyla wrote aContinue reading Pornography Reduces Humans to Fractional Parts

Thoughts on grafting in the wild olive branches

As of June 2020, the “lost” ten tribes are still in the Assyrian diaspora. Except for a raid by elements of the exiles into Israel during the days of the Judean kings that turned into a stay of somewhat more than twenty years, the ten tribes have not returned from their corporate exile. This raidContinue reading Thoughts on grafting in the wild olive branches